When Hinges Creak
When Hinges Creak is a supplier of resin-cast detail pieces, molds, casting supplies, paint, stilts and accessories for haunted houses, escape rooms, film, tv, theme parks and entertainment venues. Some of our more popular pieces are our light up industrial panels, handles and hinges, safe candles and light bulbs and much, much more. This year we’re offering a line of molds so you can make pieces at home, in whatever quantity you need. (Not for resale, just for yourself please). This is something new we’re offering, in light of the recent events, we feel this may help people get through this coming season. We have been supplying the haunt industry with the pieces to complete their sets for nearly a decade and feel it’s important to do what we can to keep the industry alive and moving forward. We also sell large or small quantities of semi/gloss black paint in our “Hauntpaint” line and several variants of stilts, both standard and bouncer type. We also sell stilt cuff and stilt pants with a pocket, all available in our “Hauntstilts” section. Right now we’re offering specials for the 2020 build season. We’ve launched a new website that’s more comprehensive than ever, with more products, options, and dimensions.